Tuesday 22 May 2007

New friend, new kimono

RL friends registered with SL: 1 (hurrah); Members added to Group: 1 (hurrah again); New kimonos bought: 1 (nice); Emails received: 1 (good)

New avatar registration opened again, so RL friend signed up as HD. Immediately tried to make HD member of "Information Literacy Group." Discovered that I had failed to Open Access to "Information Literacy Group" so no-one could have signed up even if wanted to. Oops. Logged off HD, logged on self, opened up Group to members, logged off self, logged on HD and signed up to Group. Result! At some point will let HD control own life, obviously.

Meanwhile discover that Sheila Yoshikawa (me) has received email, via email address listed in profile for this blog. Email says "Just had to send my first ever email to a second life person. Wondering which is the year of the pig". Replied that this is year of pig (i.e. my birth year as Sheila Yoshikawa). Looking up Wikipedia, note that "The Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes." Hmmm.

Have bought new kimono. Photo shows me being modest and shy above San Jose Sate University campus.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.