Sunday 30 September 2007

Low prim, high prim

Houses bought: 3 (good); Student rooms created: 4 (good); Fairy wonderlands created: 1 (good); Alts with unspellable names created: 1 (good); Hours spent in SL: lots (bad)

Have been spending so much time in SL, there's been no time to blog. Lots to report in future posts. Am preparing stuff for the island, should Lindens ever deign to deliver it, and/or answer any of my emails/ tickets etc.

Have seen that it is recommended you create an alternative avatar to whom you give stuff you create so if all goes pear shaped with own avatar there is a backup. Intended to create one with sensible name. However saw that Shostakovich was available as surname, and as am fan of music of Dmitri S, could not resist creating Dimitrova Shostakovich. Bad idea as even I misspell this name when logging into SL.

Also although intention was to spend v. little time inevitably she takes own life of own. Have decided that she will survive with only judicious handouts from self. Set her up with elegant new hair and skin but otherwise seeking free and cheap options. Thus have developed new blog: Low prim living with style at Above you see Dimitrova in a more artistic moment at ISTE and in 2nd pic self hovering outside the the Insect House which will be a small breakout room on the island and is currently above my place, Cove. Am wearing cute bear backpack and Intelligent prim dress from Nyte 'n Day (v. good, I may say).

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.