Saturday 10 May 2008

Textures, book

Help given with applying textures: 1 session (good); Book about myself created: 1 (v. bad); Hours spent on book when should have been doing a ppt for a conference: would rather not say (v.v. bad)

Useful thing that did yesterday was to help advise on how to put textures on a prim (see first pic.). Bad thing that did yesterday was to spend considerable time on a New Work, namely Adventures of Yoshikawa: the Book (vol 1). This is all the fault of Ishbel (note to Ishbel: not really, I'm just trying to find someone to blame). Her RL version is an ace photographer and contributed pics to a book created by her local photographic society on an evil, time wasting application called
Within minutes of discovering this fatal site had downloaded software and was busily uploading pics and arranging text. Believe this is called Vanity Publishing, and indeed is vanity since is mostly filled with pictures of Me. Have got up to p22 of 40 (40 being limit for lowest cost book). You buy hard copy version (i.e. this is how Blurb makes money) and can offer them for sale in Blurb shop. Whheee!


Ishbel Hartmann said...

Hehe! I've got two on the go at the moment, though only in my head so far.

Sheila Yoshikawa said...

It's lazy really as I do have some Adobe Indesign skills and if I did it on that I'd be able to upload free electronic versions as well as being more flexible about layout. But blurb makes it so deceptively easy. I thought about an Infolit iSchool book too - so perhaps you might be persuaded to join in that as a collaborator ;-))

The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.