Saturday, 3 May 2008

Rez Day

Parties attended: 1 (good); Lag encountered: lots (v. bad); Trips to Japanese schools: 1 (good)

Had some enjoyable Rez Day times despite Sl having "database issues" (vague yet menacing). Above shows party in Babylon 5 to celebrate 6 months of the Zocalo. Initially teleported in wearing centauri costume, but them seemed like most people not in costume, so hastily tp-ed out again and changed into something party-ish yet not too primmy i.e. silver trousers with favourite cardigan and latest heels which seem to look good with most things.
Next compilation shows me and Harumi in Banesse sim where have reproduction of Japanese school.

Sim is called Benesse which sounds like "Vanessa" as in one of heroines in Madlax, but seems to be some sort of education company in Japan. As can see has numerous features. Frustrating lack of seats that can actually sit on, also it needs a pose to lean against railing on roof while saying "Doste" to ones best friend or working up courage to confess to object of affection. Poses in fact rather odd, though not in nasty way, e.g. see those in swimming pool. Harumi was holding his sculptie cat btw.
However many pleasing details and was enjoyable visit, so should not be churlish.

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