Saturday 17 November 2007


Meetings with colleague at 1am: 2 (good); Tiki homes created on spur of moment: 1 (bad and good)

Have been reasonably unsuccessful in luring colleagues onto island, although several have now avatars. Was therefore v. pleased when Nigl (Prof.) turned up on island when was tidying up in office. Nigl had changed appearance since last seen, now sporting admirable level of bling, v. eye catching.
Showed him possible spaces on top floor of building and displayed some furniture option. However, when Nigl expressed interest in palm trees and I was able to produce same out of inventory, together with assorted flowering bushes and saplings, he was v. enthusiastic.

Was carried away by this to suggest creating special tiki office next to main building and so was soon putting in tiki hut, palm trees, wicker sofa and inevitable coffee pot.

In honour of new office, Nigl changed to academic robes. Was still wearing them next day when encountered him at similar hour near haunted swimming pool. Spent some happy minutes on seesaw and agreed this preferable e.g. to acdamic committee meetings. Had made improvements to tiki (vis. gong, walkway, photo board, bead curtain, inflatable ring and more coffee) and finished it with sign giving name and status.

Will now have to find excuse why other people can't have same.

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