Thursday 24 April 2008

And yet more

Discussion session held in SL: 1 (good); Student events attended in SL: 2 (good); UK academics' fashion show missed: 1 (bad)

Today's discussion on Infolit iSchool featured Testy Outlander talking about her research, which was investigating the info habits of 5 SL residents. Quite a good no. of people again, in fact I even had to augment the seating with some further Nice Brown Chairs. Testy's research blog is at The transcript or chatlog of the session is online at

Am wondering about having a shopping event (i.e. lets go do free shopping together) after next session - see what response is). Should actually be finishing up notecard on a future conference track that need to consult with various avatars about - but now that am officially a blue-haired babe (see previous post) feel should be jutified in haunting boutiques of SL.
After discussion session, oozed over to the Emerge sim where had been Avatar Identity event involving catwalk display of volunteers. Only discovered this was on today, or would have tried to avoid clash. Could not actually try out catwalk as 2 creators were still there enjoying the disco beat. So looked round sim (some nice features - and great view from the bar).

Had had limited access to SL (and will do again for next few days) so trying to pack a lot in. Yesterday evening went to Ulster University to presentation by student Kerri about her work in virtual classrooms (there were 2, one is pictured) and to Texas Women's University to look at students work. Bumped into North Lamar so could exchange trenchant comments in IM.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.