Thursday 13 December 2007


No of pics of CILR launch featured on news site: 1 (strange)

Today Ishbel pointed out that one of the pics she took of the opening of the Centre for Information Literacy Research on Eduserv Island in July was reproduced on a news website with the following legend:
"A virtual party is held in the online world of Second Life, where real people can immerse themselves and socialize, own property and even wed."
Hmmm. Event pictured is Art Fossett being presented with a gift for hiring us the office. Suppose it could loosely be termed party, insofar as socialisation took place and virtual alcohol imbibed and even had the requisit slumped avatars. Accompanying article is about SL marriage and title says it all:
Newser. (2007) "Man Treats Virtual Wife Better Than Real One." Newser, 11 August.
Photo: copyright Ishbel Hartmann.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.