Sunday 29 June 2008

Pre- and Post- conference

Mini-conferences held: 1 (good); New outfits bought in heady rush after conference: 2 (so far, good); SL gurus not met due to infelicities of mobile phone network: 1 (bad)

Have not done any blogging since was v. busy organising mini-conference on 26th June. Will blog about that next, however will first do a quick round up of other things. Am pictured above relaxing at home after successful completion of conference. During last week had kept SL excursions to essential prep for mini-conference, wearing same outfit for a whole week.

Thus in celebration when conference over had a look at the fashion blog feeds and then zoomed over to snap up this fetching top from Zaara and then the skirt from Liquid Velvet Studios to go with it.

In RL in Sydney almost met Anya I's RL equivalent, unfortunately due to mobile phone outages we missed each other. Almost as bad as SL.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.