Wednesday 11 June 2008

Facebook and information literacy

RL sessions on Facebook delivered: 1 (good); SL sessions on Facebook delivered: 1 (good); Time spent in SL: 2 hours (approx) (good); Time spent on Facebook: 15 mins (OK, but it's so TWO-DIMENSIONAL)

Maggie and I did a RL session on What does your facebook say about you? on Tuesday in RL in Sheffield, and in the evening I led a SL discussion about Facebook and Information Literacy.
SL session was only announced the night before due to lack of organisational skills, so not surprisingly were not v. many people i.e. 3 plus me. However it was quality not quantity and think there was an interesting discussion, though more about Facebook than info lit.

The RL PowerPoint is on Slideshare, and includes slides which record points raised by participants in the RL session (about 24 people, a mixture of lecturers and other staff at the university, plus one student): The chatlog of the SL session is at

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