Monday 11 June 2007

Tour, Link

Guided tour to SL given: 1 (good); Objects returned: 1 (bad)

Receive message "Your object 'Phil the Phoenix' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by DM from parcel 'Terra Incognita'."

Embarrassment. Must be initial "Phil the phoenix" which had Touched but thought hadn't actually Bought. Too many Objects are having to be returned by unknown benefactors. Feel like baby who keeps dropping furry animals and odd shoes from pram. Dilemma: what to do with 2nd Phil? If delete him will old Phil also disappear? Would be v. traumatic now have formed Meaningful Relationship with him. On other hand, inventory clogged with useless stuff already.
Give tour to RL colleague NF who hope to lure into SL, for purely reasons of research and teaching hasten to add, since Phil the Phoenix occupies Meaningful Relationship niche. Give usual tour, and encounter Artificial Intelligence avatar called Anne, who attempts to engage in game of SL Weakest Link. About to make excuses and leave when computer freezes, all for best really.

PHOTO: TOP - whilst demonstrating to NF how to SIT encountered poorly animated rustic seat which tried to eat me. Phil is attempting resue. BELOW: A quiet moment with Phil the Phoenix atop a column in Eduserv Island, where I returned later in the evening, safe in the knowledge that AI Anne is unable to Fly.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.