Saturday 9 June 2007

Relationship, haori problem

Coursework marked in RL: 0 (v. bad); Kimono, Haori and fans bought in SL: 1 of each (mixed); Clothing bought in RL: 0 (good); Merchandise worn: 1 (odd)

Searched for Queensland re: RL friends at Queensland University of Technology. QUT not there but University of Southern Queensland is, so teleport and USQ (aka "Terra Incognita") proves Bedfordia type of uni i.e. parrots, tropical plants, lounge chairs etc. Presence of shop showing Aussie entrepreneurship but also free stuff, so get popcorn, coke and strange orange merchandise "Phil the Phoenix". Phil has own group on flickr as is USQ challenge to photograph plush Phil in locations round world. Resist urge to spend RL Aus$ on same but take free Phil and Wear him, thus acquiring floating orange pet.

Immediate urge to take pics of self and Phil in various venues. Begin with seminar area on Terra Incognita (see first pic) which overdoes marbling somewhat but has v. good ocean views. Then transport to Cool Sushi Bar (second pic) though disappointment that cannot animate food. Have they not heard of Jumping Sushi (true fact, is sushi so fresh that said to jump with muscular spasm of just-dead fish). Finally hang out on new (I think) transparent bridge on Eduserv Island with fashionable cyclamen coloured seats, would almost match a RL swishy skirt.

Examining pics, Phil and I appear to have Meaningful relationship. Bit disturbing. First relationship in SL with floating orange merchandise. Hmmm.
However, leads to natural urge to get new clothes to show off in Phil pics. Purchase kimono, haori (kimono jacket) and new fan. Transport self to Abo and unpack excitedly. After much faffing about decide must be missing parts to haori, namely top and front (see flying pic) as new flowered kimono shows through. In end remove Back, leaving RGT and LFT sleeves.

Additional fan problem. When WEAR fan, attaches to right hand. Right hand immobile and left hand does rather creepy fumbling. Evidently is putting fan in right hand but animating left. In end ATTACH fan to left hand, which still animates, but fan sort of upside down. Oh well.

Doubtless should Take Them Back and Complain. However in RL am v.v. hopeless at that sort of thing, and am no better in SL. Feel would be marked out as suspicious whiner. On other hand, whole caboodle cost about half the price of cappacino consumed this morning in excellent RL cafe Remos.

Like pink kimono more, but will wear flowery one for a while.

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