Tuesday 17 March 2009

I am a media object

Videos released: 1 (good); Podcasts cast: 1 (um, good)
Dousa IMed me to say that the film of the panel on Linden Lab's proposal to separate off adult content had been released. Here is me on TV, yay, with the lovely Dousa and her friends:

Interesting how, in this sort of thing, always seems at the time that you are saying quite a lot, and seems afterwards like you aren't saying much at all. I'm speaking quantitatively there, though of course it could go for quality too.

Coincidently, I am also available in audio form, and in my RL persona, since Silversprite does a weekly podcast interview with someone about their activity in SL, and this week it's me.
Yay again. Though "yay" tempered with "um" since "um" seems to be my most used word in this podcast, closely followed by "er". However, I wouldn't want to put you off listening to it, all good stuff.

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The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.