Monday 11 May 2009


Suits bought: 0 (good); Ties bought: 0 (good); Shirts bought: 0 (good) HOWEVER Towel rails with wearable towels bought: 1 (good); Tibetan prayer wheels bought: 1 (good) (and so forth)
Helped Friend choose interview suit. Friend is male avatar, so decided to go in as Haruki (nb NOT to be confused with Harumi who has RL person behind him) so could be 2 Chaps going out shopping, which is perhaps not what proper Chaps do, but it seemed fun.
Was interesting insight into other people's SL since Friend evidently spends so few Linden that had forgotten where you click on browser to get more, whereas clicking on little Linden icon and hearing the Linden go tinkle tinkle out of my credit card and into Linden Lab's coffers is an everday event for me.
Plus side was that as Haruki has no gainful employment he is subject to whim of Sheila Yoshikawa (me) for Linden supply. As clothing one avatar in luxurious style is quite enough, Haruki is kept on short commons and thus is clothed in freebie shirt and pants. Anyway had fun trying on demo suit in Blaze and hope that interview suit will do trick for Friend at interview.


Peter Miller said...

Great illustration both of cooperation between avatars and the use of SL for interviewing. I've been rattling on to students about use of SL in terms of employability skills. Nice to have further evidence.

Peter Miller said...

Actually, the more I look at it (and I shall stop now), the more issues that picture raises: communication modalities, avatar identity, identity management, identity verification, gender issues, playfulness in the context of work, mentoring, virtual goods, micropayments, copyright, discrimination against avatars with blue skins...

Sheila Yoshikawa said...

Thanks, interesting comments! This year I've tried to not just feel embarrassed about the fact that I do rather a lot of SL shopping, but thinking of the positive side in terms of teaching & helping others ... it means I can organise freebie hunts and also some of the "shop" sims are very imaginative
I normally just use a male avatar now and then, and I mainly have one so that if a student forgets their password early on he or she can borrow one of my alts that has the gender they want. It felt a bit strange actually interacting with someone as "me" as a male, though less so once I started trying on demo clothes ...

Peter Miller said...

Sorry, what brought this on was a session at the slanguages conference that was largely a matter of the speaker persuading some rather tired teachers to act as students and compare or interpret images. It was actually rather good and this image, whether you know the avatars or not, could be used similarly. But I suspect your infolit class already does something along those lines or is this more visual literacy?

Robin Ashford said...

Thanks again for the shopping trip, Sheila/Haruki! It was great fun and quite helpful having an expert along to help pick out colors, the correct tie, make adjustments in pants length, etc. I sent a snapshot of our trip to your email :)

BTW-The interview in Second Life went very well!

The blog of Sheila Yoshikawa on her adventures in Second Life. This may be very thrilling. Or possibly not.